• Dec 07 Fri 2007 23:45
  • 33

retrograde adj.
returning to older and worse conditions, methods, ideas, etc:
He said it would be a retrograde step to remove single parent benefit.

retrograde n.
1 a sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction:
They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come.
2 a bad situation:
The emigration of scientists is a catastrophe for the country.

bend v.
to unwillingly accept the opinions or decisions of other people:
The local council was forced to bend to public pressure

fortify v
to strengthen something, especially in order to protect it:
a fortified town
They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.

matrix n.
the set of conditions which provides a background in which something grows or develops:
Europe is remaking itself politically within the matrix of the European Community.

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  • Dec 06 Thu 2007 22:49
  • 32

plurality n.
1. the excess of votes received by the leading candidate, in an election in which there are three or more candidates, over those received by the next candidate.
2. more than half of the whole; the majority.
3. a number greater than one.
4. fact of being numerous.
5. a large number; multitude.
6. state or fact of being plural.

adequate adj.
1. as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often fol. by to or for): This car is adequate to our needs. adequate food for fifty people.
2. barely sufficient or suitable: Being adequate is not good enough.
3. Law. reasonably sufficient for starting legal action: adequate grounds.

adage n.
a traditional saying expressing a common experience or observation; proverb.

omission n.
something left out, not done, or neglected: an important omission in a report.

bibliography n.
1. a complete or selective list of works compiled upon some common principle, as authorship, subject, place of publication, or printer.
2. a list of source materials that are used or consulted in the preparation of a work or that are referred to in the text.
3. a branch of library science dealing with the history, physical description, comparison, and classification of books and other works.

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  • Dec 05 Wed 2007 21:51
  • 31

intoxicate vt.
1. to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcoholic liquor, a drug, or another substance, esp. to excite or stupefy with liquor.
2. to make enthusiastic; elate strongly, as by intoxicants; exhilarate: The prospect of success intoxicated him.

deliberate adj.
1. carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie.
2. characterized by deliberation; careful or slow in deciding: a deliberate decision.
3. leisurely and steady in movement or action; slow and even; unhurried: a deliberate step.

extraneous adj.
1. introduced or coming from without; not belonging or proper to a thing; external; foreign: extraneous substances in our water.
2. not pertinent; irrelevant: an extraneous remark; extraneous decoration.

inadvertent adj.
1. unintentional: an inadvertent insult.
2. not attentive; heedless.
3. of, pertaining to, or characterized by lack of attention.

intangible adj.
1. not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable.
2. not definite or clear to the mind: intangible arguments.
3. (of an asset) existing only in connection with something else, as the goodwill of a business.

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  • Dec 04 Tue 2007 13:13
  • 30

furnace n.
1. a structure or apparatus in which heat may be generated, as for heating houses, smelting ores, or producing steam.
2. a place characterized by intense heat: The volcano was a seething furnace.
3. (initial capital letter) Astronomy. the constellation Fornax.

granary n.
1. a storehouse or repository for grain, esp. after it has been threshed or husked.
2. a region that produces great quantities of grain.

balcony n.
1. a balustraded or railed elevated platform projecting from the wall of a building.
2. a gallery in a theater.

corpuscule n.
1. Biology. an unattached cell, esp. of a kind that floats freely, as a blood or lymph cell.
2. Anatomy. a small mass or body forming a more or less distinct part, as the sensory receptors at nerve terminals.
3. Physical Chemistry. a minute or elementary particle of matter, as an electron, proton, or atom.
4. any minute particle.

particle n.
1. a minute portion, piece, fragment, or amount; a tiny or very small bit: a particle of dust; not a particle of supporting evidence.
2. Physics. a. one of the extremely small constituents of matter, as an atom or nucleus.
b. an elementary particle, quark, or gluon.
c. a body in which the internal motion is negligible.

3. a clause or article, as of a document.

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  • Dec 03 Mon 2007 21:39
  • 29

testicle n.
A testis, especially one contained within a scrotum.

gesticulate vi.
to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech.

intruder vi.
1. to thrust or bring in without invitation, permission, or welcome.
2. Geology. to thrust or force into.
3. to install (a cleric) in a church contrary to the wishes of its members.

ascend vi.
1. to move, climb, or go upward; mount; rise: The airplane ascended into the clouds.
2. to slant upward.
3. to rise to a higher point, rank, or degree; proceed from an inferior to a superior degree or level: to ascend to the presidency.
4. to go toward the source or beginning; go back in time.
5. Music. to rise in pitch; pass from any tone to a higher one.

impulse n.
1. the influence of a particular feeling, mental state, etc.: to act under a generous impulse; to strike out at someone from an angry impulse.
2. sudden, involuntary inclination prompting to action: to be swayed by impulse.
3. an instance of this.
4. a psychic drive or instinctual urge.
5. an impelling action or force, driving onward or inducing motion.
6. the effect of an impelling force; motion induced; impetus given.
7. Physiology. a progressive wave of excitation over a nerve or muscle fiber, having either a stimulating or inhibitory effect.
8. Mechanics. the product of the average force acting upon a body and the time during which it acts, equivalent to the change in the momentum of the body produced by such a force.
9. Electricity. a single, usually sudden, flow of current in one direction.

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