• Nov 17 Sat 2007 22:56
  • 13

untutored adj
1. not tutored; untaught; uninstructed.
2. naive, ignorant, or unsophisticated.

paucity n.
1. smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness.
2. smallness or insufficiency of number; fewness.

threshold n.
1. the sill of a doorway.
2. the entrance to a house or building.
3. any place or point of entering or beginning: the threshold of a new career.

predominance n.
the state, condition, or quality of being predominant

corroborate v.
to make more certain

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  • Nov 16 Fri 2007 09:27
  • 12

lure n.
1.a. Something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward.
b. An attraction or appeal.
2. A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish.
3. A bunch of feathers attached to a long cord, used in falconry to recall the hawk.
1. To attract by wiles or temptation; entice.
2. To recall (a falcon) with a lure.

fanfare n.
1. Music A loud flourish of brass instruments, especially trumpets.
2. A spectacular public display

bliss n.
1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy.
2. The ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy.

predominant adj
Having greatest ascendancy, importance, influence, authority, or force.

architecture n.
1. The art and science of designing and erecting buildings.
2. Buildings and other large structures: the low, brick-and-adobe architecture of the Southwest.
3. A style and method of design and construction
4. Orderly arrangement of parts; structure: the architecture of the federal bureaucracy; the architecture of a novel.
5. Computer Science The overall design or structure of a computer system, including the hardware and the software required to run it, especially the internal structure of the microprocessor.

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  • Nov 15 Thu 2007 23:11
  • 11

moderation n.
1. the quality of being moderate; restraint; avoidance of extremes or excesses; temperance.
2. the act of moderating.
moderate adj
Being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme: a moderate price.

intoxicated v.
1. to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcoholic liquor, a drug, or another substance, esp. to excite or stupefy with liquor.
2. to make enthusiastic; elate strongly, as by intoxicants; exhilarate: The prospect of success intoxicated him.

strain vt.
1. to draw tight or taut, esp. to the utmost tension; stretch to the full: to strain a rope.
2. to exert to the utmost: to strain one's ears to catch a sound.
3. to impair, injure, or weaken (a muscle, tendon, etc.) by stretching or overexertion.
4. to cause mechanical deformation in (a body or structure) as the result of stress.
5. to stretch beyond the proper point or limit: to strain the meaning of a word.
1.to pull forcibly: a dog straining at a leash.
2. to stretch one's muscles, nerves, etc., to the utmost.
3. to make violent physical efforts; strive hard.
4. to resist forcefully; balk: to strain at accepting an unpleasant fact.
5. to be subjected to tension or stress; suffer strain.
6. to filter, percolate, or ooze.
7. to trickle or flow: Sap strained from the bark.

ubiquitous adj.
existing or being everywhere, esp. at the same time; omnipresent: ubiquitous fog; ubiquitous little ants.

furious adj.
1. full of fury, violent passion, or rage; extremely angry; enraged: He was furious about the accident.
2. intensely violent, as wind or storms.
3. of unrestrained energy, speed, etc.: furious activity.

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  • Nov 14 Wed 2007 12:48
  • 10

stagnate v.
1. to cease to run or flow, as water, air, etc.
2. to be or become stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water.
3. to stop developing, growing, progressing, or advancing: My mind is stagnating from too much TV.
4. to be or become sluggish and dull: When the leading lady left, the show started to stagnate.
1. a state of inactivity (in business or art etc); "economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic stagnation"
2. inactivity of liquids; being stagnant; standing still; without current or circulation

peer n.
1. a person of the same legal status: a jury of one's peers.
2. a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.
3. something of equal worth or quality: a sky-scraper without peer.
4. a nobleman.
5. a member of any of the five degrees of the nobility in Great Britain and Ireland (duke, marquis, earl, viscount, and baron).

cabinet n.
1. a piece of furniture with shelves, drawers, etc., for holding or displaying items: a curio cabinet; a file cabinet.
2. a wall cupboard used for storage, as of kitchen utensils or toilet articles: a kitchen cabinet; a medicine cabinet.
3. a piece of furniture containing a radio or television set, usually standing on the floor and often having a record player or a place for phonograph records.

estate n.
1. a piece of landed property, esp. one of large extent with an elaborate house on it: to have an estate in the country.
2. Law. a. property or possessions.
b. the legal position or status of an owner, considered with respect to property owned in land or other things.
c. the degree or quantity of interest that a person has in land with respect to the nature of the right, its duration, or its relation to the rights of others.
d. interest, ownership, or property in land or other things.
e. the property of a deceased person, a bankrupt, etc., viewed as an aggregate.

dynamic adj.
1. pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action; vigorously active or forceful; energetic: the dynamic president of the firm.
2. Physics.
a. of or pertaining to force or power.
b. of or pertaining to force related to motion.
3. pertaining to the science of dynamics.
4. of or pertaining to the range of volume of musical sound.
5. Computers. (of data storage, processing, or programming) affected by the passage of time or the presence or absence of power: Dynamic memory must be constantly refreshed to avoid losing data.

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  • Nov 13 Tue 2007 22:34
  • 9

chip n.
1. a small, slender piece, as of wood, separated by chopping, cutting, or breaking.
2. a very thin slice or small piece of food, candy, etc.: chocolate chips.
3. a mark or flaw made by the breaking off or gouging out of a small piece: This glass has a chip.
4. any of the small round disks, usually of plastic or ivory, used as tokens for money in certain gambling games, as roulette or poker; counter.
chip in phr
a. to contribute money or assistance; participate.
b. Games. to bet a chip or chips, as in poker.
c. to interrupt a conversation to say something; butt in: We all chipped in with our suggestions for the reunion.

pile n.
1. an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other:
a pile of papers; a pile of bricks.
2. Informal. a large number, quantity, or amount of anything:
a pile of work.
3. a heap of wood on which a dead body, a living person, or a sacrifice is burned; pyre.
4. a lofty or large building or group of buildings: the noble pile of Windsor Castle.
5. Informal. a large accumulation of money: They made a pile on Wall Street.
6. a bundle of pieces of iron ready to be welded and drawn out into bars; fagot.

merchandise n.
1. the manufactured goods bought and sold in any business.
2. the stock of goods in a store.
3. goods, esp. manufactured goods; commodities.

rumor n.
1. a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts: a rumor of war.
2. gossip; hearsay: Don't listen to rumor.
3. Archaic. a continuous, confused noise; clamor; din.

aerobic adj
1. (of an organism or tissue) requiring the presence of air or free oxygen for life.
2. pertaining to or caused by the presence of oxygen.
3. of or utilizing the principles of aerobics: aerobic exercises; aerobic dances.

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