hostile adj.
1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an enemy: a hostile nation.
2. opposed in feeling, action, or character; antagonistic: hostile criticism.
3. characterized by antagonism.
4. not friendly, warm, or generous; not hospitable.
a person or thing that is antagonistic or unfriendly.

gloomy adj.
1. dark or dim; deeply shaded: gloomy skies.
2. causing gloom; dismal or depressing: a gloomy prospect.
3. filled with or showing gloom; sad, dejected, or melancholy.
4. hopeless or despairing; pessimistic: a gloomy view of the future.

congressman n.
a member of a congress, esp. of the U.S. House of Representatives.

fatigued adj.
tired; wearied.

bandage n.
1. a strip of cloth or other material used to bind up a wound, sore, sprain, etc.
2. anything used as a band or ligature.
to bind or cover with a bandage: to bandage the ankles of a football player to prevent sprains.
to put a bandage on a wound, sprain, etc.: Apply some iodine before you bandage.

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